Sunday 4 December 2011

Modelling exterior scene

For the scene background I created a meadow. First I created a plane. Then converted it to editable poly. Using soft selection i created few bumps in the plane.

Here is the glazed walkway that is going to be build during renovation. The structure was made using box creation tool. Then box was converted to editable poly. The shape was finished using edge connection and extrusion tools. The glass was made using simple planes.

For the overall environment i created a sphere. Then I applied a texture from internet which was made for sphere skies.

Most of the materials used in the scene were images I took during finchingfield trip. Almost all materials include diffuse and bump maps which I created in Adobe photoshop. Other half of materials were taken from internet. The wooden material below was taken by me and for second path material image was taken from internet and bump map was created by me.

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