Sunday 4 December 2011

Animation Biped new technique

I wanted to include a person walking around the Guildhall in the exterior scene. For this I decided to use biped. The free person model was taken from 3D World magazine disk. First I imported the human model to the scene. then I created biped to match the size of the mesh. I had to align the biped to match mesh as precise as possible. Adjusting biped to the mesh was done in biped figure mode from motion panel.

The physique modifier was applied to the mesh. Then in modifier sub-menu envelope was chosen. Each envelope of all biped parts where adjusted in size to cover the mesh. After this character is ready to be animated.

in Biped motion panel i choose Footsteps mode. Footsteps were created using Create multiple footsteps: walk option. Then I selected create keys for inactive footsteps option which inserted footsteps to the scene.

Then I moved and rotated number of footsteps to match with the Guildhall floor environment.

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