There are loads of wooden beams supporting the Guildhall walls and ceiling. At this point I created the beams that are between ground and 1st floor. The first beam was created using box. It was important to take into account that beams are not placed in perfect horizontal position. The wooden beams are slightly rotated down for one side of the building because of the back wall. Therefore, the pivot point of the box was changed to furthest point of the beam. Then the beam was copied multiple times and new beams were moved to match architecture plans. Then the beams were rotated individually to match the reference image of the back side of the building. All beams were grouped together. The future step is to create vertical wall beams and beams for the 1st floor.

The next step was to create decoration/support for the beams sticking outside the building. The support started from the primitive box. I have decided to use boolean subtract operation to get a nice curve in the box. Therefore, the cylinder was created and boolean operation was carried out.

The wooden arc was made form primitive Torus with side setting 4 and slice on from 180 degrees.

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