The roof of the guildhall was made from simple box transformed to editable poly. Roof is a low polygon model. The objects are tried to be kept with minimal count of polygons. I gets harder for computer to cope with various components in the file. Therefore, it is important to keep models as simple as possible. The texturing process is very important for these models. I believe that simple box can be turned into amazing things with the help of decent textures.

The guildhall on its own is not a sufficient enough for animation. There is need to model the surrounding area. This do not include modeling neighbouring houses and whole roads, but just connecting road and pavements. For the road and pavement I used loft modifier. The line was drawn to match the path of the road. Then the rectangular was drawn and applied as a shape for the path.

The house is further improved with poly modelling approach. Below is the stairs to the 1st floor and extruded house part that cover the stairs. For the stairs I decided to use LTypeStair and Straight Stair from geometry creation menu. This was first time i used the stair creation tool. It has enough settings to get the major part of stair. It is possible to set number of stairs and the length and height and even add handrail.

Some The stair inside the house were changed to editable poly to make final adjustments. The stairs below originally are straight stairs. The stairs had to twist at the bottom. So when in editable poly mode i selected vertices at the bottom and aligned them at one point. Then vertices of the other end were moved to finish the twist.

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